Our Services

Oracle Upgrades

A decade of collaboration with Oracle, independent and detailed study, and applied experience with each release has given SAI Technologies and its consulting team unique insight into the operation of Oracle solutions. We have leveraged those investments into an innovative upgrade practice.

Each release of the Oracle database, eBusiness Suite, and over fifty other Oracle offerings adds complexity to the product. New releases are accompanied by additional challenges for support staff. Developers, database administrators and support personnel encounter unexpected difficulties. The answers are often elusive. Our consultants have been called upon to intervene in the most challenging engagements and in every case have delivered the expected results.

We research upgrades across the production environment on all supported platforms, multi-tier environments, databases, integration technologies, network configurations, tools and desktop environments. We frequently delight the customer by identifying and resolving under-documented features and performance issues during installation and early stage testing, preventing downstream issues that less dedicated organizations require additional time to resolve.

Our customers are routinely delighted at the ROI and reduced cost of operation they achieve based on our work. Contact us to gain the benefit of our insight on upgrades.